Call for 2020 Conference Speakers

Are you an expert in something useful to digital content creators? (Yes, this question is incredibly broad and we mean it to be because… 🙂
We’re searching for speakers for the largest Mediavine Conference yet — our 2020 event in Baltimore June 3-5. (We’ll be on the harbor, they’ve got baseball/historical sites/National Aquarium and they put crab on EVERYTHING. It’ll be rad.)
Question: What kinds of sessions are you interested in?
Short Answer: ALL KINDS
Longer Answer: It sounds hokey, but we really are passionate about helping content creators build sustainable businesses. So we put a ton of time and energy into our educational offerings including the blog, Lives, other videos and our conference sessions. We try to make learning easy and accessible for as many people as possible, so all sessions from our conferences are edited and put up on our YouTube channel, making them available to everyone, not just conference attendees.
In terms of specific session topics, we love the obvious fits: Pagespeed, plugin audits, SEO, photography, video, content optimization, podcasting, productivity workflows, etc.
We also love the less obvious choices like public relations, legal for influencers, licensing, product creation, finance/taxes for bloggers, VAs (hiring and/or becoming one), creating media kits, landing speaking gigs, etc.
Honestly, we’re open to anything that makes life easier and better for our industry and the people in it, including single-speaker sessions, panels, and workshops.
Have you developed an awesome way to stay physically fit and relaxed through your form of desktop yoga? SUBMIT IT.
The big key for us is action items. Our attendees want to walk out of a session (or, let’s be real, sit during the session) with a list of things to immediately begin working on. Even if your topic is more inspirational and woo woo, it needs to be actionably expressed.
For the first time in 2020, we’re offering learning tracks. One track will be for people who are in the beginning stages of their blogging/monetization journey and the other will be for more advanced influencers.
2020 is Mediavine’s fourth year of annual conferences, following some pretty excellent events in Charleston in 2017, at the Google campus in Sunnyvale, California, in 2018 and in Chicago and Austin in 2019.
For a sampling of past speakers, visit the Mediavine YouTube channel. All of our previous conference sessions are available to watch anytime.
So now that you’re convinced, what’s next???
Get all your ducks in a row, put together a detailed speaking proposal and APPLY RIGHT HERE! The Mediavine Brand team will be accepting applications through Friday, November 20th, 2019.
If you’ve got questions, Events Coordinator Megan Myers has answers. Reach her at
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