Driving a Creator-First Future

Creators are the foundation of the open internet. Creators are the soul of the open internet. Creators are the future of the open internet. Join us in support of a #CreatorFirstFuture.

Graphic image reading: Without creators, there is no open internet

Our Commitment

As search algorithms and generative AI rapidly evolve, Mediavine recognizes the need to help shape the future of new technologies, in the process protecting the publishing community and the open internet.

We are as committed as we were on day one to supporting creators.

Why? Because without creators, there is no open internet. There is no content to train the models that power AI. There is no internet at all.

That sounds bleak, but only if we do nothing.

The path to a free, open internet and a prosperous future for content creators begins here.


Share Your Stories

While Mediavine operates independently from Google, we have a direct connection with them as a Google Certified Publishing Premier Partner. We are committed to bringing your stories and insights into the ongoing conversations we are having with the Google team. 

We encourage you to fill out the form below to share your story. The more information we can gather, the better our chances of driving real change.

The internet as we know it is at stake

We're in this together

No one truly knows what the future will look like with generative AI and Search.

What we do know is that the open internet needs us — creators. 

What we’re doing here goes beyond the success of any one site or even Mediavine as a company. The internet as we know it is at stake.

We are here to advocate — for you and with you — to ensure that independent creators can continue to thrive.

We encourage you to share about these efforts using the hashtag #CreatorFirstFuture and stay tuned for more ways to get involved!