What Are the Mediavine Developers Up To?

Mediavine has an amazing group of developers that are constantly working behind the scenes to not only improve our ad technology, but design new tools like Create, our WordPress plugin, that will enhance monetization and help elevate the overall quality of your site.
There is so much that we want to build and do, so we’ve greatly expanded our roster of developers in the past year to keep up with our ideas. We now have two full teams of developers: Platform Engineering and Publisher Engineering.
Alex Roth
Our Publisher Engineering team works on projects like Create by Mediavine®. They’re managed by Senior Publisher Engineer Jordan Cauley, and include Seth Alling, Ethan Butler and John-Michael L’Allier.
Our Platform Engineering team works on Mediavine’s ad technology. They’re lead by the Director of Platform Engineering Tim Tyrell, and include Alex Roth, Eric Nolte, Brian Nelson, Seth Bicknell and Renae Blair.
We’ve been talking a lot about the Publisher Engineering team with the release of Create on the horizon (get a sneak peek of Create on our Facebook Live), so we wanted to give some love to our Platform Engineers and see what they’ve been up to in the last few months.
Here’s an update from Alex Roth, Software Developer (check out this video interview with Alex and subscribe to the Mediavine YouTube channel):
As you can see, there’s not a lot of laurel-resting when you’re a Mediavine engineer. They’re always working to make our technology better, faster and stronger and finding new ways to help our publishers monetize.
We’re glad that we’ve got two great teams working behind the scenes for us everyday!
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