Google Certified Publishing Partner Survey: What Our Publishers Say About Us

In August 2017, Mediavine was proud to be recognized as a Google Certified Publishing Partner. One of just a few dozen companies worldwide to earn this designation, Mediavine did so by proving its expertise and proficiency with Google AdSense, DoubleClick Ad Exchange and DoubleClick for Publishers.
All of these tools are integral to meeting publishers’ goals, and as a certified partner, Mediavine works closely with Google to ensure that its technology, initiatives, and overall publisher satisfaction are in line with the industry-leading standards of the GCPP program.
In January 2018, we participated in our first Google Certified Partner Program Publisher Satisfaction Survey. The Google-sponsored survey was sent to all Mediavine publishers who had been with us for at least three months, resulting in more than 900 responses.
Based on a seven-point satisfaction scale ranging from “Extremely Satisfied” to “Extremely Dissatisfied,” Mediavine achieved an overall satisfaction rating of 98%, with 85% of our publishers reporting that they are extremely satisfied!
Our publishers were also surveyed on a wide range of topics such as our staff’s knowledge, resolution of issues, and overall reputation within the industry.
Again, publishers gave Mediavine extremely high marks across the board, earning us higher ratings than similar GCPP publishers and all GCPP publishers collectively.
While we take pride in these results as validation of our hard work and dedication, we have not ignored the small percentage who were not satisfied. What did we do wrong, and more significantly, what can we do to improve going forward?
Taking their feedback into account, and addressing other key areas where we know there was room for improvement, we believe we can take the Mediavine publisher experience to the next level throughout the coming months and years.
Mediavine is currently adding about 50 new publishers per week and recently surpassed 3,300 overall. In order to keep up with that growth and maintain publisher support standards in terms of both quality and speed, additional staff was necessary, to say the least.
We’ve answered that call in a big way already in 2018, hiring three new Publisher Support Specialists and three new Publisher Support Engineers in the first half of the year. As our publisher base expands, our staff continues to as well, and fast!
Your Mediavine Support team, taking a quick break before going back to answering all the emails.
Beyond support, Mediavine is investing in its future and that of its publishers with new team members in Engineering, Yield Management, Sales and People Operations.
To the Mediavine publisher, this means more tools and plugins, innovative ad technology, unparalleled revenue growth, and even better service to help content creators develop sustainable businesses every step of the way.
At Mediavine, ads are just the beginning. We offer full-service ad management and proudly boast a happy and growing client base, but we’re constantly developing new products and features to make ourselves an indispensable publishing partner. Among them:
Mediavine Create
Mediavine Create is a one-of-a-kind product developed for recipe creators, DIYers, Arts & Crafts bloggers, or any site where a material list and a set of instructions are needed.
Easy to use and adaptable to all genres, Mediavine Create allows users to migrate data from other plugins, and in true Mediavine fashion, emphasizes site speed and SEO.
Did we mention it looks fantastic? The public will see it soon enough. In development since 2017, we’ve been rolling this out to publishers for beta testing over the last few months.
As our publishers know, Mediavine has been calling 2018 the year of video, and we’ve gone all in to make this vision a reality. In early 2018, we unveiled our patent-pending adhesion video ad unit for mobile devices, offering a mobile, native experience that showcases our publishers’ latest videos to users, allowing them to monetize high-paying video ads on every page.
It takes the place of traditional mobile adhesion banner ads at the bottom of mobile pages, with high-paying video ads playing in front of our publishers’ latest videos.
Video adhesion ads will only replace the display banner if high-paying video ad inventory is available, ensuring that higher revenue doesn’t come at the expense of user experience.
The improvements don’t end there. In March 2018, Mediavine announced updates to our existing video player to enhance site speed, ad viewability, and revenue opportunities.
Along with the new player, we also introduced a new desktop sticky video player. Enabled within the Mediavine dashboard, this allows publishers to make their already-embedded videos “sticky,” like you’ve seen on Facebook and throughout the web.
Once a desktop user is watching a video, it will stick with and follow the user as they scroll down the page, leading to higher viewability scores and ad completion rates — both of which lead to happy advertisers paying publishers more.
As always, we’re committed to spending as much time learning from and networking within the publishing community as we can. Our second Mediavine Publisher Conference at Google’s Sunnyvale campus was such a hit, we’re doubling down with two in 2019.
We hope you’ll join us at our next conferences in Austin and Chicago, and across the country at many other upcoming events.
It would be easy to go on (and on) and into further detail about all of the plans in the works here at Mediavine, and this post could quickly turn into a novel.
We say it often because it is 100% true: Mediavine puts publishers first. Our publishers can rest easy knowing that every decision we make is in their best interest, and that we are always working behind the scenes to take their businesses — and revenue — to the next level.
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