Publisher Interview: Alexis Schroeder of Fitnancials

Today on the blog, we’re spotlighting Mediavine publisher Alexis Schroeder of Fitnancials, where she covers all things fitness and finance, with some travel and health thrown in. She may still be in college, but she’s an experienced publisher from a blogging family, as you’ll read more about below.
Welcome, Alexis! Thank you for talking with me.
Hello everyone! My name’s Alexis and I am a senior in college studying Psychology. Besides school, I spend a lot of my time blogging. When I’m not blogging, I’m mountain biking, reading, or traveling. I’ve been an au pair in Italy, volunteer in Peru, and travel often with my mom all around the world.
I originally started because my sister, Michelle, from Making Sense of Cents inspired me to start a blog. Before I started my blog, I lost around 50 pounds and thought a blog would be a great way to document my health journey and inspire others.
My blog was originally simply a hobby blog, but one year ago, I decided to go full-time and take it seriously. My income has quadrupled since then, which is really exciting to see.
Meeting other people who are trying to make this world a better place by providing free and helpful information to others via blogging.
The worst part of blogging is other people not understanding your work. Blogging is still somewhat foreign to most people, which creates a lot of confusion behind what we do as bloggers. Some people think I simply publish posts and that’s it. It can be frustrating to not get the acknowledgement that bloggers are entrepreneurs and work very hard for their money.
16 Real Work From Home Jobs That Make Up To $75,000 A Year
17 Jobs That Pay Up To $65,000 A Year With No College Degree
Healthiest Foods for a Tight Budget
How I Made $5047 in August 2017 From Blogging
50 Ways To Save $500+ Each Month
I use Convertkit, Hootsuite, Tailwind, and Boardbooster.
I’ve taken 3 different courses on Pinterest. They all use different tactics to grow your blog, which is helpful because everyone does something different to make Pinterest work for them.
Pinterest is constantly changing, so as a blogger, you need to make sure you’re on top of things and know what is working on Pinterest and what isn’t. Pinterest is a fantastic free platform for bloggers to use, which is why I always recommend new bloggers to take advantage of it from the beginning.
Be authentic and transparent. Readers love to see what has helped you and what you are going through. For example, I often talk about paying off debt and saving money, but I also talk about my journey and how I currently have a lot of debt because of student loans. Readers want to be able to relate to you and know that you’re not perfect.
Any kind of vegan burger. I’m currently loving tempeh burgers at the moment!
Thank you for chatting with us, Alexis, and for making fiscal responsibility less intimidating. Q1 is the perfect time to take a look at finances. Head over to Fitnancials for actionable tips to make 2018 your best $$$ year yet. If you want a closer look at some other amazing Mediavine publishers, check out Kristin from Be My Travel Muse and Nicole from Gluten-Free On A Shoestring.
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