Introducing Create by Mediavine®

Today is a big day at Mediavine, as we are thrilled to announce the official release of our flagship plugin, Create by Mediavine®, which is now live in the WordPress repository and ready for you to download and install.
A dream come true. More practically, Create is a plugin designed for every publisher’s most valuable content — whether that’s recipes, travel guides, craft tutorials, or anything else.
This will help you display that content in beautiful, printable fashion, encourage audiences to scroll to the end of your content, and offer new ways for you to provide value to users.
Best of all, Create is designed with SEO, user experience, and monetization in mind.
Everyone! Bakers. Makers. Adventure-takers. If you create content, our goal is to offer card types with Create that will help you display your most valuable content in ways audiences and search engines will love.
Create is for YOU, whether or not you work with Mediavine for your advertising.
As food bloggers are well aware, recipe card plugins have been available for a long time. Most of these mark up data using Schema, making it easier for search engines like Google to read.
What you may not know is that has data points for all sorts of content — crafting, travel, even health-related things — and we’ve created a card plugin that enables all kinds of publishers to utilize this concept in promoting their content to search engines and readers alike.
Mediavine’s recipe card ad placement has been a signature of our company since we began offering ad management solutions to content creators.
With food blogs, all roads lead to the recipe card, and placing an ad there quickly made it the best viewed, best-paying space among our publishers.
With Mediavine Create, we’ve taken this concept beyond food, allowing publishers in all genres to create a space that drives the audience deeper into their posts.
Put another way, we’ve turned this successful “recipe card ad” and into a “most valuable content” ad, applicable to whatever kind of content you produce.
We’ve also made it so that Mediavine publishers will be able to monetize multiple times within their card; if you’ve got lots of instructions, you’ll be able to generate revenue from this content area as readers keep scrolling, rather than being limited to a single ad spot in the card.
I’ll say it again: you don’t have to be a Mediavine publisher in order to use this plugin. If you use other advertising partners, they will be able to utilize it for ads as well.
Long term, there will be Create features exclusively for Mediavine publishers, like the additional ad placements available in the card, but you’ll still be able to earn more money from your most valuable content, no matter who you use for advertising solutions.
On a personal note, I’ve been dreaming of this day for about five years now.
I’ve been blogging for a decade, but it wasn’t until I started working with Eric, Matt and Steve that I experienced what it’s like to have someone with SEO and site speed knowledge accessible to build something just for your readers. Talk about an eye-opener.
Eric customized features into the Food Fanatic card as I dreamed them up, and conceptualized the original version of what you will see in Create as our “product recommendations” section.
Soon we began envisioning an even better recipe card usable by other bloggers (and indeed why Food Fanatic cards became “embeddable” for our contributors years ago).
As we’ve grown and worked with publishers in every lifestyle niche, we were alerted to craft and education bloggers using recipe card plugins to display tutorials in a printable manner.
Bad news bears, guys! Marking non-food content up as food with Schema is an SEO no-no.
As soon as I became aware of that fact, I went on a crusade for us to save the Internet.
Mediavine is not an ad network. Our mission as a company is to build sustainable businesses for content creators, and that extends far beyond revenue — and includes finding better solutions to problems like this one.
With that mentality, our publisher engineering team — Jordan, Seth, Ethan, and John-Michael — devoted much of the past year to developing this plugin as a means of helping bloggers with the business of blogging, and we are so excited for you to see the results of that hard work.
Create by Mediavine® is this food blogger’s dream come true. Knowing that it’s the first of its kind, the first plugin you’ll be able to use for every kind of content you publish, is just icing on the digital cake.
It’s a proud, happy day for Mediavine, and we hope you love what we’ve (yes) Created.
Please note that this official launch is just the beginning! We will be adding new features as often as we can, and include support for additional card types as we go forward. Today’s release of Mediavine Create includes support for recipes and craft/DIY how-to guides.
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