Mediavine is For Big Publishers (and Smaller Blogs, Too)

Mediavine has always prided itself on inclusivity.
If you’re a publisher with great, original content who’s looking to grow your site with a holistic approach to advertising, we welcome you. Whether you have our minimum traffic requirement of just 50,000 sessions per month, or 10-20 times that, you can expect the same innovative technology, resources and attention from Mediavine’s unparalleled publisher support and engineering teams.
But just because we’re all-inclusive doesn’t mean we aren’t also exclusive, too. Our exclusivity comes in the form of serving the best and most engaging content creators, regardless of traffic numbers. We’ve helped countless small-to-medium-sized publishers sustainably grow their businesses while doing the same for those with much larger audiences.
How do we do this?
When it comes to programmatic advertising, more is more. The more ad impressions pooled together among all Mediavine publishers, the better the impressions perform individually and as a whole. With more than 2,900 sites in our community and dozens more joining each week, we continue to see higher RPMs (if you’re wondering what is RPM and how we calculate it, see link) across the board.
Due to this simple fact, it never made sense to limit our efforts to only the largest publishers. If you’re a large-scale publisher considering Mediavine, every website we represent, big or small, is helping you out, and vice versa. When we pass 3,000 sites, then 3,500 and so on, ad performance will keep on improving as we’ve seen the previous three years. More is more.
Mediavine’s technology is built to scale, optimizing site speed, user experience and ad performance alike. This is seamlessly integrated throughout the community. We provide a framework for content creators and their audiences to do the rest. Advertisers see this growing collective of publishers and decide where to spend — at more competitive rates each year. Did I mention more is more?
In many ways, we’ve grown our business – and our publishers’ businesses — from the ground up, thanks to a site-wide, long-game approach geared toward sustainable, organic growth. But in one respect, we’ve built this from the top down. Mediavine is for big publishers as well as small because we are a big publisher. The Hollywood Gossip, our owned and operated property, has served as both the proving ground for our ad technology and proof of concept for our business model.
At around 500,000 sessions per day (15 million/month), The Hollywood Gossip has seen year over year RPM growth of 20-30 percent as our community has expanded. Yes, all of your sites have helped our own — and vice versa! It has also benefited from the growth of its own ad inventory in much the same way. As an individual site gets bigger, advertisers take notice and demand increases.
From a technology standpoint, THG’s sheer volume of daily impressions has allowed us to brainstorm, test, retest, debug and fine-tune every ad unit behind the scenes before we roll it out to publishers. In short, the same ad technology that powers Mediavine sites with 50,000 sessions per month has been (and continues to be) refined on a property with many millions of visitors per month.
If you’re a publisher with a smaller, niche website looking to reach a wider audience or a major industry player who’s already there, our approach is built to scale, and help you achieve even greater, lasting success. With the opportunity to attain higher revenue shares as your traffic grows, there’s even more incentive to join Mediavine wherever you currently are on the traffic spectrum.
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