Mediavine Reviews

We’re absolutely thrilled and honored that you’re considering entrusting your site’s monetization to Mediavine.
However, we understand this is not a decision to take lightly. This is your income, after all.
It’s in that vein that we’ve put together a list of the top Mediavine Reviews around from some of our publishers’ own sites as well as trusted review sources around the Internet.
We also have an awesome list of Mediavine income reports from our publishers who have shared their ad earnings on their sites.
Mediavine doesn’t have an affiliate program, so it’s especially flattering when our publishers take the time to write about their experience with us.
December 2021 Update: We love reading your reviews! We recently added some new reviews and testimonials to this post! Let us know if you have a review post or a video to share — email it to
Mediavine Reviews on Facebook
The public-facing home of Mediavine is also home to some of the top Mediavine reviews you can read.
Blogging 101: Mediavine Review by My Baking Addiction
Jamie was our first publisher at Mediavine, so we thought it was fitting to list her review first as well.
Travel Blog Income Report, May 2018: $10,006.88 by Lia of Slaying Social
Lia’s gorgeous travel site Practical Wanderlust surpassed $10k a month in earnings and she graciously gives credit to her ever-increasing Mediavine RPM. Read all about her achievements in this recent Publisher Interview.
19 Reasons to Switch Your Ads to Mediavine by Stacie of Simply Stacie
Simply Stacie is a fantastic lifestyle site featuring everything from recipes to beauty tricks to parenting tips. Stacie has been a Mediavine publisher since June of 2016 and says her only regret is that she didn’t come here sooner.
How I Make $20,000 Per Year From Ad Revenue (and how to make more money!) by Alexis of Fitnancials
Alexis shares how she makes roughly $1,500+ per month in passive income from Mediavine ads. She reached out to our Publisher Support team wanting to know how to increase her ad revenue, and we emailed her back with revenue-boosting tips that she shares in this post.
Food Blogging Income with Mediavine Ads by Sara of Real Balanced
Sara wrote this post about why she loves using Mediavine for ad income on her food blog. She explains why ads are her passive income method of choice, and all the things she loves about Mediavine, like our easy-to-use dashboard, customer service and Facebook group.
How To Earn A Passive Income From Mediavine by Emma Drew
Money blogger Emma reflects on her experience with Mediavine after one year of being with us for full-service ad management.
Mediavine: An Honest Review by Burlap & Blue
Linda takes a break from her crafting blog to share an honest review about Mediavine and we sure appreciate it.
Mediavine Review by Buns In My Oven
Karly was one of our very first bloggers who launched with Mediavine, and she is sharing her experiences with us. Her site features delicious recipes, and a beautiful travel section.
Why I Run Ads and a Mediavine Review by Table for Two
Julie runs an absolutely wonderful travel and food blog and decided to dedicate a blog post to discussing why she runs ads and works with Mediavine.
Mediavine Review – Optimizing Our Travel Blog’s CPM Revenue on Living the Dream RTW
Jeremy blogs about travel, and traveling in style! He switched to Mediavine from an Amazon & AdSense waterfall setup, and he shares his experiences here.
Mediavine Review by Homemade Food Junkie
Diane makes wonderful healthier recipes from scratch, gives gardening tips, DIY ideas… and a wonderful Mediavine review we definitely recommend you check out.
Blog Ads – Mediavine Review by Swoodson Says
Stephanie moved over to Mediavine from AdSense, and is loving the controls, dashboard, and income! Her site is fantastic, so definitely pop over and check it out.
Why I Run Ads and my Mediavine Review by An Italian in my Kitchen
Rosemary has fantastic recipe videos, and we especially love her Italian Fresh Cream Lemon Cake. This awesome post covers why Rosemary chooses to run ads as part of her business, and why she prefers Mediavine.
A New Partnership: Mediavine Review by Sweet Poppy Seed
Val makes wholesome, family friendly recipes that your entire family will love! This post details her decision for monetizing with Mediavine, and how she offsets expenses with programmatic advertising.
Big Change! Partnered With Mediavine by Vulkk
Our mission is to create sustainable businesses for content creators and provide reliable ad revenue for our publishers without sacrificing user experience. We’re meeting that mark for the owner of this website and he shares why he came to Mediavine in this post.
Why Mediavine is my Ad Company of Choice by Simple Living Country Gal
At Mediavine, we want you to maximize your earnings and have the best possible experience with your ad company, even if that means we’re not the company for you. Tracy Lynn investigated her options but decided to stay at Mediavine. Read why in her post.
Mediavine Review: Is This Display Ad Network Legit by Work At Home No Scams
Eddy’s website specializes in helping people make a living while working from home. He gives a great comprehensive review of Mediavine, highlighting our loyalty bonus, as well as comparisons to our competitors.
I Made $30k+ in My First Year with Mediavine: Here’s How You Can Too by A Passion and a Passport
Jess is a professional wanderluster, AKA travel blogger, who is sharing her tips for optimizing your site before and after applying to Mediavine to yield the best possible ad revenue.
Mediavine Review by The Wallet Moth
Money blogger Yaz from The Wallet Moth talks about how she has diversified her income and explains how Mediavine was “a major gamechanger for me.”
What Kind of RPM Can You Make With Ads? by Marketing Artfully
Our publisher Tara shares a case study of RPM across all the sites she owns and how she has been able to improve her RPM and raise her income.
My Mediavine Review: Is Mediavine Worth The Hype? by Dana Nicole Designs
Dana is a pro-copywriter and blogger who loves helping small businesses scale and grow via online marketing. She has been a Mediavine publisher for almost a year now and she’s sharing her full review in this post.
Mediavine Review – Updated by Burlap & Blue
We’re grateful for the long-standing relationships that we have with our content creators! Linda from Burlap & Blue is back to update her experience with us, along with advice for new publishers.
Mediavine Review: How much money can you make? by Pommie Travels
Travel blogger Victoria shares her experience in moving from AdSense to Mediavine, concluding, “Mediavine’s customer support is superb.” Thanks Victoria – We’re so happy to have you on board!
Mediavine Review – Best Ad Management Platform by QTopTens
Games writer Ryan shares his experience and earning potential on the Mediavine ad network, giving us a “solid 10/10.” Thank you so much, Ryan — We give our relationship a 10 out of 10!
Stay up to date with the latest from Mediavine
In today’s digital landscape, advertisers are becoming increasingly selective about where they place their ads. With the growing importance of brand safety, audience engagement and ROI, the quality of a …
Since the advent of Trellis, Mediavine’s goal was to provide a WordPress framework to meet the needs and pain points of independent publishers. We’ve had the pleasure of working with …
To enhance both the visual appeal and functionality of our publishers’ websites, Mediavine is making essential updates to optimize ad density while meeting industry standards and maintaining revenue performance. We’re …