Publisher Interview: Stephanie Keeping of Spaceships and Laserbeams

Summer might be quickly coming to an end, but our Mediavine publishers continue to create and inspire.
One of the things we love most is hearing about and sharing our publishers’ stories. Stories of how they started, how they have grown and how life changing Mediavine has been for not only their business, but also in their life too.
We’ve seen these success stories with publishers like burlap+blue, and Agnes Hsu of Hello, Wonderful to name a couple of our 5,400 (and growing) publishers.
Today we’re talking to Stephanie Keeping of the blog Spaceships and Laserbeams.
Stephanie was a guest on one of our most popular episodes during the Summer of Live 2018. You can watch her share her traffic growth expertise on our YouTube channel and make sure to subscribe to not miss any top blogging tips!
She shares fun recipes, party ideas, games, cool crafts, DIYs and more to show that moms of boys can have fun with style and design! We’ll let her tell you more about how she celebrates a life filled with boyish charm in today’s publisher interview.
Welcome to the Mediavine blog, Stephanie!
My name is Stephanie Keeping, I’m married to a man named Mike and we have a little boy, Sam. We live near Niagara Falls along with our two labradoodles.
While on maternity leave with my son, I was bored and started planning his first birthday party. I struggled to find a theme and printables that I loved, so I started the process of creating them from scratch. I opened an Etsy shop featuring the printables, as well as a blog to promote the Etsy shop. It was entirely a hobby at first and then slowly grew over time.
I had heard from other bloggers throughout the years how happy they were with Mediavine. At the time, my previous ad provider was slowing my site down so I was interested in learning more and switching. I’m so glad I did!
There is always such great advice and support from the Mediavine team. I can always feel confident in the quality of answers the Mediavine team provides.
As RPMs have grown significantly, it’s definitely changed the dynamic in my business and family. I’ve been able to build a successful team, and more importantly, my husband was able to leave his job and stay home full time. This has been a game changer for our family to have both parents at home for my son.
The blogging industry has changed in lots of ways. There is now a lot more emphasis on photography and SEO than in the beginning. When I first started blogging Pinterest didn’t even exist!
The best part of blogging is the flexibility it offers my family. The worst part is that it can be hard to turn off my work and step away because there is always more to do.
Hitting a million fans on Facebook was a huge milestone and a big moment of pride for me.
My fresh from the oven, gooey, monkey bread recipe is sure to make any gathering special.
Next time it’s party time at your house you need to make this easy crockpot Buffalo chicken dip.
Since life is crazy busy for most of us, thankfully there is the quick and easy baked ziti recipe to the rescue.
This old fashioned chili recipe was a sponsored post that really took off and did great for the brand. I love when we’re able to create content that is beneficial for the brand and our readers.
I’ve had so many people tell me they made this egg salad recipe and now they are not allowed to make any other version of the sandwich. It is that good!
Homemade dog treats are a simple way to let your little puppy know they’re loved. This easy, healthy homemade dog treats recipe is the best.
I have an even split when it comes to my traffic between Google, Pinterest and Facebook.
In November 2017, I partnered with a group of 7 other bloggers to start sharing our tips and tricks with others that helped us grow and become full time bloggers.
Our group, Bloggers Tell All, is the information we wish we’d had earlier in our blogging journey. We’re able to interact with the group to share ideas and help them build their own successful blogging businesses.
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