The First Season of Teal Talk® Is In the Books

woman at office desk on laptop next to glasses and coffee

Talking about teal is one of our favorite things. It is our favorite color, after all!

Jenny Guy

That’s part of why we named our second Facebook Live show ‘Teal Talk®.’ Well that, and it’s a fun play on ‘real talk,’ which is what each guest that our Mediavine Marketing Manager Jenny Guy interviews delivers.

Each episode centers around a useful topic for bloggers in all niches and experience levels, and Jenny works to find experts in each topic that will provide their honest expertise. On the Facebook Live platform, Jenny can ask the host questions from the audience in real time.

Last summer Jenny brought us the first season of Summer of Live, our weekly Facebook Live talk show in the summer months. We’re so excited to be delving into another season of Summer of Live starting… next week! Join us on Thursday, June 6 for our first episode. (And yes, we wrapped up our last episode of Teal Talk® on May 16, so we’re barely giving Jenny a break!)

Before we dive in to our next show, we wanted to take a look back at the first season of Teal Talk® with Jenny. She’s here today to give us a behind-the-scenes look at her show, and then below we’re rounding up all 16 episodes from our first season for easy watching. You can also check out our Teal Talk playlist on our Youtube channel, and we’d love it if you’d subscribe! And if you’re a Teal Talk® fan (thank you!), don’t worry, we’ll be back again in the fall with all new episodes and more awesome guests.

How did you get the idea to run a Facebook Live series?

Like most great ideas at Mediavine, it originally came from our Co-Founders. Our CEO Eric Hochberger wanted an ‘ask me anything’ Facebook Live, so we started looking into them. After our first two, we saw how amazing the platform was for us and our commitment to education.

From there, we went all in. Planning as many as we could, organizing programming around them, constantly searching for guests and new show ideas.

It’s so exciting for us to be able to interview our publishers and other experts from our industry. We truly believe that rising tides raise all ships, so we want to provide as much information as we can to help influencers in every aspect of the industry.

How do you pick your guests? 

Our goal is to highlight as many different aspects of the industry as possible. Therefore, we look into all corners to find our speakers. From incredible Mediavine publishers to the people we meet at conferences, we’re always on the lookout for potential guests for our Lives.

What were some of your favorite episodes, Jenny?

What a tough question to answer. I love ALL of our episodes. We have had incredible guests at every turn. It always amazes me that influencers are happy and able to speak with us and share their knowledge with everyone.

In the season finale, Mediavine CEO Eric Hochberger interviewed YOU. What was that like? 

SCARY. (But only because I was nervous!)

No, it wasn’t at all. He was an amazing interviewer. We always have so much fun when we’re together on the Lives.

I love gaining a bit of his expertise, which is vast in so many areas. Obviously, site speed, programmatic advertising, coding — he knows all the things.

What can we look forward to for this year’s Summer of Live?

We’re gearing up for a great summer of programming! We have 3 themed months lined up:

June is Mediavine, where we will be focusing on everything we currently offer and what we’re planning for the future.

July is Beyond Blogging, where we’ll be chatting with experts from all around the industry on topics like book publishing and course and product creation.

August is Makin’ It Rain, and we’re going to be talking about everything INCREASED EARNINGS, from SEO to RPM.

How can we watch?!  

We’ll be live on Facebook every week! We post our information on the Mediavine Facebook page, so Like us there and make sure to RSVP to the Lives. (We pin all the information about the upcoming Live to the top of our Page.)

If you miss it Live, don’t worry, there are still plenty of ways to watch!

Our videos are always available on our Facebook page, and once we edit them, we post them all to the Mediavine YouTube channel. There are loads of other videos on our channel, including all of the sessions from the Mediavine Conference, so please subscribe!

We can’t wait for the Summer of Live, but here’s a quick look at our first season of Teal Talk®!

Mediavine Teal Talk: Season 1

We had a blast putting together the first season of Teal Talk. Mediavine Marketing Manager Jenny Guy hosts our show, and focused episodes on topics ranging from affiliate marketing to Pinterest strategy.

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